Daily Caller: Paying tribute to our armed forces
On Saturday, the nation will celebrate the 51st Armed Forces Day. America’s all-volunteer military has proven time and again to be America’s best asset. Just a few weeks ago, the skills of the Navy SEALs were on full display when they successfully killed Osama bin Laden during a daring raid inside the borders of Pakistan. Without the combined armed forces of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard, our freedoms would be in jeopardy from enemies who want to do harm to our homeland, as well as those of our allies around the world.
Six years ago our soldiers waged a heroic battle during the Iraq War to capture the city of Fallujah. Citizens United Productions’ film “Perfect Valor,” a vivid war documentary narrated by Senator Fred Thompson, tells the true story of the soldiers who fought in the Battle of Fallujah. When you watch the documentary, you will see why America has the best military in the world. The men and women featured in “Perfect Valor” are this generation’s “Band of Brothers” and their stories vividly illustrate the courage our men and women in uniform display on the battlefield each and every day.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/05/20/paying-tribute-to-our-armed-forces/