CU, CUF and TPC Join Amicus Brief in Bost v. Illinois State Board of Elections
“The Seventh Circuit concluded that Petitioners did not have standing to challenge state election laws which appear on their face to conflict with federal law. The panel erroneously considered the need of a candidate for Congress to raise and expend funds to cover post-election day ballot security measures to be optional and speculative. In dismissing Mr. Bost’s diversion of funds argument, the court has followed a dangerous trend to elevate the requirements for standing as applied to challenges to election rules that has crept into the law since the 2020 Presidential Election. The result is the creation of a circuit split with many cases decided prior to 2020.
In the last four years, courts have elevated the test for standing to a point where even candidates may not challenge the manner of administration of state elections for federal office. Unless this Court steps in, abuses of election law will go unreviewed and unremedied, and elections will cease to reflect the will of the voters.
Additionally, should the panel’s decision be left undisturbed, and replicated in other courts, abuses of the election process can be expected to continue, and worsen, as they will be conducted in full confidence that violations of the rules by which elections are conducted are essentially unreviewable. In the end, ours will cease to be a nation of laws and of free and fair elections, and become a corrupt game played by partisans.”